I found that I love to update my blog now without any reason..Back to update today,i am hoping to end my school life even just 2 more days,i means 1 day and 3 hours..Because stayed at the class are too bored!!Seriously,I don't know what to update..Just wish to holiday,I am thinking how fun my holidays is it..I am thinking where to go..anyone have an ideas?I am planning watch movie with friends,so Korin,after you see this post please comment me or text message to me,because jing wen can't wait hang out...lol....Erm...ok...today activities that I do at class is(Sleep like a pig,talk with friends loudly,read novel until forgot my name,go rest until what time is it also don't know) That what I done....Thanks for visit my blog and see my post!Thanks for you all support!..Lol and Have a good nice days...