Wednesday, July 29, 2009

29 July 2009

Hooray....exam finished today...haha...i felt relax now....hehe...but korin they is going to exam soon...pitty...hope they pass their exam....i hope myself tired because needed exam more than yesterday....我突然想到打华语字.....不要介意...哈哈...今天...挺闷的在课堂....我将考完最后的试是moral,但我有拿华语课...只好多考一样咯....可怜....问了很多朋友,都说难透了...有的还作弊.......我看了也说挺难泪...但和我自己说没东西可难倒我的.....哈哈.....我那些没考的同学就在课堂上发梦....上几个考试我又反头看庆怡...她又那么的轻松....不是吧.....哈哈.....她排定第一了....哈哈...haiz.....type chinese until my hands oso hocus.......haha....yesterday my old friend sudedenly sms me....scared me....because we no chat maybe got 9 month already....haha......we chat maybe 30 minutes then i told he i needed study and stoped chat...and continued my study.....haha....i will type until here...thanks for view my new post....bye....
