27 July 2009
Exam today....haiz.....afraid of fail....yesterday just kept playing in sutera,forgot tomorrow exam....play until foolish....haha....2day at class,looking at the exam paper on the teacher holding hands..thinking oh my god....how dare am i to complete all the exam paper....first exam is bm,but after takes the papers ,looked at it and start done it....i saw same question looks funny and daftness....some question easy as ABC but some as difficult as eating a shit.....haha....i turn my head to cing yi place,she looks easy to answer the question....haiz...thinking her kedudukan at class will hingest thn me d lor...haha.....but nevermind...i will do my best....unless i need to pass all.....haiz....exam will hold 3days......goodluck to myself and she(cing yi) and my all will takes exam later d friends....hope you all pass...haha